"Lorca 7.3%- Red Wine BA Wild Ale with Bergamot, Seville, Navel, Sanguinelli and Salustiana Oranges.
Andalucian inspired spontaneously fermented ale using every variety of Spanish oranges from the 2024 harvests at a rate of 650g/L intensely fragrant and aromatic with multiple layers of complexity, bitter, sour, sweet with a touch of minerality.
Brewed with 100% solar power, spontaneously fermented in oak, with absolute minimal intervention at every process step allowing and encouraging further development of the unique farm “terroir” bottle conditioned beer. Contains sediment, please allow 24 hours at fridge temperature stored upright and pour carefully.
Bottled Spring 2024
BBE 2034"
Terra Tempo are a 100% oak fermented and aged wild beer blendery based on Hogsback farm in Surrey using exclusively hops grown on the farm for all their beers. The blendery is owned and run by Lee Daniels whose brewing herritage includes running Cloudwaters barrel program for several years.
Terra Tempo are a 100% oak fermented and aged wild beer blendery based on Hogsback farm in Surrey using exclusively hops grown on the farm for all their beers. The blendery is owned and run by Lee Daniels whose brewing herritage includes running Cloudwaters barrel program for several years.